Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Losing Weight by Drinking Water - 7-Ways Water Helps You Lose Weight Just by Drinking It

Everyone knows that a human cannot live without water; but is water a miracle drug? Many health care professionals would say that it is. Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The Messages From Water series of books, would certainly support the age-old practices of priests in many religions of imparting blessings and "miraculous" healing properties to water using nothing more than prayer, or intention. Some might say that Holy water, or healing waters, may only have power in our minds; but remember - our minds have power over our bodies, our health, and our lives.

Dr. Batmanghelidj, in his book, Your Not Sick, You're Thirsty: Your Body's Many Cries For Water, lists many healing benefits of water - including implications for weight-loss. And common sense tells us that we are made of mostly water and that we should replenish our essence. Though there is no hard-and-fast rule; the amount of water you should drink depends on your circumstances, your body, and other individual factors and characteristics. Even if you know how much water you need to drink each day, that amount would probably change if you were in a drier climate, or if you were working and sweating more, or if your diet changed or became more "toxic" or "polluted."

Common sense tells us we need water; but what do we "need" it for? The fact is that you are mostly water; and you need water to function properly. If you do not replace the water you use, you will become toxic and dehydrated; you will not get that fabulously fit body you're after if you are chronically dehydrated and your body isn't functioning as it should. You don't simply need water to quench your thirst; thirst is simply a signal letting you know that your body needs more water in order to keep functioning properly.

The thought that thirst can be quenched with any beverage has led to a nation that is mostly overweight (66% of Americans are overweight); and soft drinks, beer, kool-aid, and milkshakes - though delightful - are just a few of the tools we've used to create this reality. If nothing else, drinking water will help you avoid the hazards of dehydration, and the harmful effects of drinking so many chemicals, sugars, and artificial colors; but there is much more to the water story. Water helps you maintain a healthy functioning body; and it does many things that support and sustain healthy, natural weight loss.

Here are seven of the simpler ways water can help you lose weight:

1. Water helps you lose weight by making you feel full. We all stop eating when we're full - even if someone offers us one of our favorite foods. If your stomach is full, you don't eat; and, if your stomach is full of something that has no calories, then you aren't gaining weight. Unless you're dead, you are losing weight if you aren't gaining it. Of course, there are some people who do keep eating well past the point where they feel full; if you have clinical disorders, water can still help you in all of these ways, but consider trying one of the new Energy Psychology techniques (like EFT and Z-Point, for example) to possibly eliminate your disorder - quickly, safely, effectively, inexpensively, and completely.

2. Water helps curb food cravings. Most people can't tell the difference between their "thirst-signals," and their "hunger-signals;" so, most people eat when they are actually thirsty. Unneeded calories adds unwanted weight; changing the way you address your cravings changes the amount of calories you put into your body. Eating when you are actually thirsty will help you gain weight; so, it naturally follows that, if you drank water when you were thirsty - instead of eating a snack - your body isn't receiving something it can store or burn, so it has to use fuel it already has onboard.

3. Water quenches your thirst. Besides the fact that people eat when they are thirsty, and water turns-off that impulse; people also drink sodas, and other fattening beverages when they are thirsty. If you are drinking enough water, it will be difficult to continue guzzling those sugar-and-chemical-laden beverages. And, if you stop drinking sugar, you will probably lose some weight.

4. Water flushes toxins from your system. This is a simple matter of common sense; if you don't pee, stuff stays inside you. If you don't drink water, you don't pee. Not all scientists and doctors say the same thing; so you really need to follow your own intuition on all things medical. Water is a fluid; but your body isn't simply made of "mostly fluid." Your body is made of mostly water - Hydrogen and Oxygen. You are an electric entity; you need Hydrogen and Oxygen - not simply random liquids. People who don't drink enough water often think they are supposed to feel sluggish, and that their urine is supposed to have that color and odor... You're not, and it's not; those are actually signs of dehydration you just aren't reading properly.

5. Water increases metabolism. There is a significant thermogenic effect from drinking at least 500ml of water. With no caloric value to "pay for" the energy created as a direct result of drinking water, the body must use it's own fuel stores to heat and process the water you consume.

6. Water Hydrates you. Being hydrated improves digestive function, and every part of your overall health picture. Being dehydrated can put your body in the stress response - which causes your body to produce stress hormones such as cortisol (the hormone responsible for helping your body convert and store undigested food as fat). Hydrated cells are healthy cells; a healthy body is made of healthy cells.

7. Water can be used as a Placebo. Drinking water for any of the reasons listed above could be effective at helping you lose weight for no other reason than you (1.) Think or Believe that drinking water could produce a certain effect; and, (2.) You actually drink water as directed for the prescribed purpose. In other words, placebo studies have shown that people who are given a "remedy" with no known curative properties often benefit simply because they believe they should. So, if you drink water because you believe it has weight-loss benefits, you have increased your chances of experiencing the benefit you seek. Sterile water is often used as a placebo in medical trials; and water has actually cured "incurable" and potentially fatal conditions when used as a remedy in a clinical or therapeutic setting. Placebos show us that it really is "the thought that counts."

No matter what your reasons for drinking water, you need to drink it; this is simply a matter of common-sense if you want to maintain a healthy body and live a healthy, happy life. But, if you seriously consider water as a weight-loss tool, implement, or technique for losing weight, then you are going to find at least the same results you'd achieve with any other weight-loss plan - without harmful side effects. But, most likely, you'll notice profound changes in your health, life, and body within a few days of simply drinking an adequate amount of water for your body and your level of activity. You don't have to do anything crazy or extreme; just drink enough water to keep yourself properly hydrated and see what happens.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears and limiting beliefs!)

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Quenching a Nation's Thirst - Making Water From Air!

Bottled water is everywhere these days and has become a multibillion dollar business. You can't escape their presence anywhere, whether at a grocery store, convenience store, the beach, work place, home, etc, bottled water is there. The overall success that the bottled water industry has experienced, and the enormous profits from the sale of its water to the general public can probably be attributed to two factors. They provide convenience, and give the perception that drinking bottled water is much healthier. Nevertheless, you really have to look past the enticing pretty little label on the front of the bottle or 5 gallon water jug, and ask the question, is bottled water more beneficial to my health? Are there other sources of water that is better for my health? What is the cost of bottled water to the environment?

Each and every hour Americans discard an alarming 1.5 million plastic water bottles, which if they aren't recycled properly end up in a landfill somewhere for the next 100 years. This figure applies only as long as they are discarded properly. I often have the pleasure of seeing plastic water bottles on the side of many sidewalks, streets, and highways where they have been casually tossed by the previous owner; I guess that is another convenience for some bottled water drinkers. Then of course located in offices and homes around the country are water dispensers/coolers with the 3 or 5 gallon water jugs on top of them. The people using these have to take delivery of the jugs, store the jugs, lift the jugs, and replace the jugs each time one runs out.

A Few Little Known Facts

The bottled water you drink is considered by the Federal Government to be a food. This means that according to federal guidelines bottled water falls under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.). However, tap water falls under the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) which has much stricter guidelines regarding water purity and contaminant levels than the F.D.A. The E.P.A. requires that water plants provide the public with reports on the water source, testing conducted, and contaminant levels (violations) if any are found. The bottled water industry does not have to adhere to these standards. You may find, depending on the particular brand of bottled water you drink, that your tap water is actually cleaner. Not to mention that many bottled water companies are misleading consumers by selling reconstituted tap water; not the refreshing spring water like the label would suggest.

Your local municipal water source is also required to test several times per day for microbiological impurities in the water. Bottled water companies are only required to test for this once a week. Local tap water also has to be tested much more often for chemicals than is required for bottled water companies. We then throw in the fact that the F.D.A. does not necessarily require (by way of loopholes) the same standards for bottled water from state-to-state. The numerous problems associated with bottled water and regulation of its quality should become self-evident.

Does All This Let Tap Water Off-the-Hook?

Unfortunately, tap water doesn't get off either. A National assessment of tap water quality conducted by the Environmental Working Group, dated December 20, 2005, concluded the following in their summary. "Tap water in 42 states is contaminated with more than 140 unregulated chemicals that lack safety standards, according to the Environmental Working Group's (EWG's) two-and-a-half year investigation of water suppliers' tests of the treated tap water served to communities across the country."

Recently, in Montgomery County, Maryland an estimated 440,000 households were without tap water due to a major main break that took eight hours to locate because it was in a wooded area. This left many residents and businesses without water for days. Some businesses were shut down altogether until this problem was resolved. Initially, the resident's who finally got their water flowing again were strenuously encouraged to boil the water before drinking it because of the tremendous concern by local authorities over impurities and contaminants that may still be present in the water.

In the national news you can see impending threats, or occurrences of problems to municipal tap water sources by way of natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc, almost every week. In addition, the same radical cowardly groups that caused 9/11, could also turn their eyes to our nations fresh water supply as a way to create terror, and wide spread panic by successfully or unsuccessfully attempting to release biological or chemical agents into our water.

States all over the nation are vying for water resources, and many of them have fresh water resources that are dwindling. Some states that are otherwise friendly neighbors are locked in disputes now over water rights. If you go to the New York Times and look up an article by Andrew C. Revkin entitled "New Climate Report Forsees Big Changes," the problem only appears to be getting worse for the United States, and the rest of the world.

The cost of municipal tap water appears to be on the rise as well. Just do a comparison of your water bill today vs. your water bill 3 years ago and I am sure you will see a noticeable increase.

Technology and Innovation to the Rescue!

The world is in desperate need of a viable realistic alternative to the increasing demand for safe, clean drinking water. The Earth's surface is 75% water, but only 2.5% is a fresh water resource, or usable by mankind. Three quarters of the 2.5% available is frozen in glaciers. That leaves about .625% available for use by mankind. From that small amount left over for use by mankind, and other living organisms, 70% is used world wide for agriculture, and another 15% for industrial use.

Science and technology have come to the rescue. There is now available a revolutionary patented technology that will change all of this. It was developed by a company who's insight, innovation, and desire to help mankind drove them to provide a more sustainable, more environmentally friendly source of water. I have spoken to many people over the past several weeks about the technology, and most of them are completely unfamiliar with it. Innovation now allows us to create pure drinking water from air by way of an atmospheric water generator.

At any given time there is approximately 3.1 quadrillion gallons of water in Earth's atmosphere. The hydrological cycle (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation) manufactures billions of gallons of water recycling in the atmosphere everyday, making this supply almost limitless and accessible in most parts of the world.

They have created an atmospheric water generating unit on the market today that extracts the water through a sophisticated condensation process and sends it through a series of state-of-science purifiers. The unprecedented technology removes all inorganic materials, undesirable odors and tastes, particulate matter smaller than .01 microns, and all forms of bacteria, metals, minerals, viruses and other elements that might pose any kind of health risk. The unit also serves to both dehumidify the air, and purify the air it uses to create water. This is a remarkable technology that is destined to become the future of water, and will ensure accessibility to clean safe drinking water for millions in the United States and world wide.

International Water From Air L.L.C is committed to providing the general public with up-to-date useful information that will assist in helping them to make intelligent and informed decisions regarding drinking water and living a healthier lifestyle.

Visit us today at Atmospheric Water Generators

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What Are the Best Water Purification Systems For Home Use?

There are a number of water purification systems on the market. Do you need one? And how do you go about choosing the right one for you and your family?

These are two important questions you'll want answered before you spend your money on the wrong thing.

Let's take the first question, first.

Why You Need a Water Purification System!

Unless you've been living on some other planet, I'm sure you've been reading about the information that's come out recently about the lack of quality of our municipal water supplies.

Over 90% of U. S. water systems contain traces of at least 10 synthetic chemicals and lead. A report done recently by Ralph Nader stated, "after reviewing over 10,000 pages of EPA documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act...[it was found that] over 2,300 chemicals that can cause cancer have been detected in U. S. tap water."

A number of scientists believe that this rise in carcinogenic chemicals found in our water supply correlated with the rise in cancers over the past fifty to one hundred years.

A big part of the problem is the age of our water treatment plants, and the technology they use.

Most water treatment plants in the United States are fifty to one hundred years old. Some even older!

They were designed to purify our water of things like cholera, not high-tech pesticides.

Most of our water is purified by letting the water settle through sediment to get out the particulate matter, then it's sterilized by injecting an amount of chlorine in the water.

The chlorine kills any bacteria that can cause disease. The chlorine is, however, actually left in the water after it leaves the treatment facility. This is done because the transit time from the treatment plant to your house could be as long as a week or more. In that time, your water could become re-contaminated.

The problem here is you actually drink the trace amounts of chlorine when you drink tap water. That's certainly better than getting sick with cholera, but there has to be a better way!

You're right, there is!

Now, before you run off thinking that bottled water is going to save you from drinking all of these contaminants and toxins, think again!

Unfortunately, most bottled water comes straight out of a tap, just like your water. As a matter of fact, there are fewer restrictions on the quality of bottled water than there are on the quality of tap water!

The bottom line: you need to re-filter your water at the tap before you drink it.

How to Choose the Right Water Purification System

There are a number of water purification systems out there. Some work better than others. Oddly enough, some work too well!

There are also whole house filters, filters you attach to one faucet, and water pitchers that filter water. Which one should you use?

Most pitcher filters use a water filtration system that's too simple. They just can't get out all the stuff you need filtered out!

If you're just interested in filtering the water you drink or cook with, then you might want to consider filtering the water from just one tap. Drinking water, however, is not the only way you get water-born impurities into your body!

Your skin is actually your body's largest organ! We don't usually think of our skin as an organ, like the liver, but it is!

We both discharge and absorb toxins through our skin. When you take a shower, for instance, the hot water opens up your pores allowing impurities in your water to seep in.

To sum up, you might want to really consider filtering all of the water in your house, either with a whole house filter, or with a filter for each tap and for each shower head.

Some of the technologies used in water filters are granular activated carbon filters, metallic alloy filters, microporous ceramic filters, carbon block resin filters, and ultra-thin membranes.

The best water filters on the market use a combination of these technologies to filter and purify your water.

One thing you need your filter to do is to leave in the trace minerals naturally found in water so that it tastes good and so that we get these minerals into our bodies. Minerals like calcium are necessary to our health, and drinking water with trace amounts of calcium in it is one of the ways our bodies acquire that mineral.

There are a number of water purification systems to choose from. What you need now is an informative website you can use to further educate yourself.

These are two important questions you'll want answered before you spend your money on the wrong thing.

Let's take the first question, first.

Why You Need a Water Purification System!

Unless you've been living on some other planet, I'm sure you've been reading about the information that's come out recently about the lack of quality of our municipal water supplies.

Over 90% of U. S. water systems contain traces of at least 10 synthetic chemicals and lead. A report done recently by Ralph Nader stated, "after reviewing over 10,000 pages of EPA documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act...[it was found that] over 2,300 chemicals that can cause cancer have been detected in U. S. tap water."

A number of scientists believe that this rise in carcinogenic chemicals found in our water supply is correlated with the rise in cancers over the past fifty to one hundred years.

A big part of the problem is the age of our water treatment plants, and the technology they use.

Most water treatment plants in the United States are fifty to one hundred years old. Some even older!

They were designed to purify our water of things like cholera, not high-tech pesticides.

Most of our water is purified by letting the water settle through sediment to get out the particulate matter, then it's sterilized by injecting an amount of chlorine in the water.

The chlorine kills any bacteria that can cause disease. The chlorine is, however, actually left in the water after it leaves the treatment facility. This is done because the transit time from the treatment plant to your house could be as long as a week or more. In that time, your water could become re-contaminated.

The problem here is you actually drink the trace amounts of chlorine when you drink tap water. That's certainly better than getting sick with cholera, but there has to be a better way!

You're right, there is!

Now, before you run off thinking that bottled water is going to save you from drinking all of these contaminants and toxins, think again!

Unfortunately, most bottled water comes straight out of a tap, just like your water. As a matter of fact, there are fewer restrictions on the quality of bottled water than there are on the quality of tap water!

The bottom line: you need to re-filter your water at the tap before you drink it.

How to Choose the Right Water Purification System

There are a number of water purification systems out there. Some work better than others. Oddly enough, some work too well!

There are also whole house filters, filters you attach to one faucet, and water pitchers that filter water. Which one should you use?

Most pitcher filters use a water filtration system that's too simple. They just can't get out all the stuff you need filtered out!

If you're just interested in filtering the water you drink or cook with, then you might want to consider filtering the water from just one tap. Drinking water, however, is not the only way you get water-born impurities into your body!

Your skin is actually your body's largest organ! We don't usually think of our skin as an organ, like the liver, but it is!

We both discharge and absorb toxins through our skin. When you take a shower, for instance, the hot water opens up your pores allowing impurities in your water to seep in.

To sum up, you might want to really consider filtering all of the water in your house, either with a whole house filter, or with a filter for each tap and for each shower head.

Some of the technologies used in water filters are granular activated carbon filters, metallic alloy filters, microporous ceramic filters, carbon block resin filters, and ultra-thin membranes.

The best water filters on the market use a combination of these technologies to filter and purify your water.

One thing you need your filter to do is to leave in the trace minerals naturally found in water so that it tastes good and so that we get these minerals into our bodies. Minerals like calcium are necessary to our health, and drinking water with trace amounts of calcium in it is one of the ways our bodies acquire that mineral.

There are a number of water purification systems to choose from. What you need now is an informative website you can use to further educate yourself.

To learn more about water purification systems visit my website!

R. Lee Cole is an avid health and exercise enthusiast who loves to make his research available to everyone via the Internet. Check out Lee's website for more information about this important topic.

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Tankless Water Heaters - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!

Tankless water heaters are selling like hotcakes these days. But like just about everything, they have their good points, and their bad points. Before examining the pros and cons, let's take a look at how they work.

For our example we will use a gas heater, because it is easier to visualize than electric, but it's pretty much the same for an electric model as a gas model.

A tankless water heater can be pictured as a coil of pipe over a campfire. As you run water through the pipe, the heat from the flames gradually heats the water in the pipe, and by the time the water has gone through the entire length of pipe it is hot. The more slowly the water travels through the pipe, the hotter it will get. If the water travels through the pipe very quickly it might not be in the flames long enough to get hot. Some heaters can modulate the heat source to even out the temperature rise for different water flow rates.

With a conventional water heater you have a big tank full of heated water, which is slowly losing heat to its surroundings, even with lots of insulation. If it's a gas heater it has a pilot light as well, which consumes energy 24 hours a day. Since the tankless heater does not have a pilot light and does not have a big tank full of heated water losing energy constantly, it is more energy efficient.

One nice thing about the tankless heaters is that you never run out of hot water. Endless water is one of the selling points for the tankless water heater, but be careful, it could lead to an increase in water usage by the homeowner who now believes his hot water is cheaper.

With the tankless units a minimum flow, typically ½ gallon per minute, is required to turn on the heater. So say goodbye to low flows of warm water, because low flows won't keep the heater turned on.

The tankless heaters need larger flues than tank type units if they are gas and larger gas lines, and if they are electric they need larger diameter wires to handle the high amperage currents they draw. (It takes a lot of electricity to heat water fast.) They are also quite a bit more expensive than tank type units and much more complex. If they ever need repairs they are more expensive to repair, and sometimes parts are hard to get, but then there is no tank to rust out either.

Since the tankless water heaters need to heat the water before sending it to the fixture, it takes longer to get water than with the storage type water heaters. That leads to wasting water which no one wants to do.

There is a solution to the water wasting problem, and it's called a demand system. It's a small pump that installs under the sink furthest from the heater. When you want hot water you activate the pump, which pumps the water in a big loop from the water heater past the sink and on through the cold water piping back to the inlet of the water heater. When heated water reaches the pump it shuts off. Now you have instant hot water and you did not run any water down the drain.

Demand systems use less than $2.00 per year in electricity since they run for such brief periods of time. Don't confuse a hot water demand system with a traditional circulating system. The demand systems only run for a few moments when hot water is demanded. Typical circulating systems run continuously for long periods and will void the warranty on the tankless units.

A tankless water heater will save energy over a conventional water heater, but will waste water when compared to a tank type unit. To save both energy and water install a hot water demand system pump along with the heater. That's called being nice to mother earth.

Learn about tankless water heaters, hot water circulating systems, hot water demand systems and more at: Faster Hot Water

Visit Mr. Lund's blog about water heaters, tankless water heaters, hot water pumps and more: The Hot Water Guy

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Faster Hot Water Provides Water Conservation - Be Green!

We all do it. Run water down the drain while waiting for hot water. Who is going to jump into the shower when the water is freezing cold! Well no one. Is there a way to avoid running all of that water down the drain?

Yes. A hot water circulating system will eliminate the need to run that water down the drain. There are several types of hot water circulating systems available, and they are fairly easy to understand.

The first type of system is the full-time circulating system. In this type of system the hot water outlet of the water heater connects to a pipe that runs past each fixture in the home, and then back to the water heater. A small pump circulates the hot water through the pipe, thus there is always hot water near every fixture. Instant hot water!

But there is a price to pay! This is an expensive system to operate, since the pump consumes some energy and is running constantly; you have to pay for that energy. But far greater is the expense of heating the water. Heating water is very expensive, and so when you pump it through a long pipe, and the pipe is losing heat energy to the atmosphere around it, you end up spending a lot of money to heat the hot water piping and its immediate surroundings.

You can place the pump on a timer, so that during periods that people don't normally use hot water, the pump is turned off. That helps, but it is still very expensive. Some systems also control the pump by monitoring the temperature of the water. The pump turns off when it reaches a set point, and then back on when the water drops to the lower set point. This reduces the energy consumption by the pump, but does little to reduce the far larger energy losses of the heat loss from the system.

Another problem with these systems is that they require a dedicated return line from the furthest fixture back to the water heater to function. This is an expensive option when building a home, and a far more expensive option to add on to an existing home.

There is another class of hot water circulating systems that do not require a return line. These systems use the cold water line as the return line. The cold water line always connects to the inlet of the water heater, so it will always work. There are a number of approaches being used for these cold water return type hot water circulating systems.

In some instances, for instance, where the water heater is lower than the rest of the system like in homes with a basement, a gravity type system can be used. Since hot water is less dense than cold water, the hot water rises up from the water heater to the fixtures and the cooled off hot water goes down the cold water return line back to the heater. A connection is required between the hot and cold water lines, and a valve that responds to temperatures is installed between them. Without a valve, the hot and cold water would always mix when you used either one.

Some systems use a pump connected between the hot and cold water lines with a built in valve, and as with the full time systems, some are operated via a timer, some are temperature controlled, and some use both methods.

Another type of system is known as a "hot water demand system". With the demand type system, the user must push a button or utilize some other signal to start the pump, and then when hot water reaches the fixture, the pump shuts off.

The demand system is the lowest cost in terms of operating costs since it does not cause any more heat loss than if you just used the hot water fixture without the system. It only pumps when you "demand" hot water. Typically such systems use only $1 to $2 per year in electricity for running the pump.

You obtain your hot water more quickly than if you ran the faucet full blast, and you don't wastefully run water down the drain. You're happy and the environment is happy!

William Lund is a successful inventor and webmaster. For more information about hot water systems and water heaters visit Mr. Lund's website: All About Water Heaters

Mr. Lund also has a blog: Pondering Everything

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Water Filters Guide - What You Should Know Before You Invest In A Water Treatment System

To some "Water, Water, Everywhere!" is a comic story but to others in other parts of the world, it's not amusing. Despite its abundance on earth, water has been one of the scarcest commodities both in quantity and in quality. In spite of advances in technology, drought and water borne diseases are common place globally. Drinking water supplies are exposed to all sorts of contamination sources and therefore causing confusion among consumers about their water quality. On one hand we are lead to believe that drinking water is well treated and safe to drink, on the other hand we can see news reports about few inefficient water treatment plants, or operators who try to manipulate water testing results. Water advisories are common-advising consumers to flush their water before they drink when certain contamination is discovered.

One sort of relief is that EPA indicated in "Water on Tap" report that the "actual events of drinking water contamination are rare, and typically do not occur at levels likely to pose health concerns." But the report says further that "there are growing numbers of activities that can contaminate our drinking water." Drinking water supply (surface and groundwater) can be exposed to such contaminants from combined sewer overflows, sanitary overflows, stormwater runoffs, concentrated animal feeding operations, failed septic tank discharges, and a host of others. These contaminants range from fertilizer, pesticides, pharmaceutical drugs, toxic wastes, oil, adionuclides, and metals. (USEPA, 2003)

Contamination from the source

Drinking water supply is sometimes exposed to harmful contaminants right from the source. Disease-causing bacteria can get into municipal drinking water, well water, or contaminated ice. According to the 2002 CDC report, from 1985 to 2000, 251 outbreaks and 462,169 cases of waterborne illness related to contaminated drinking water were reported. Some of these cases were linked to surface water supply sources that have been contaminated by sewage. Some drinking water contaminations have been linked to Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) and raw sewage discharges into water distribution lines. Forty two percent of water water-borne disease outbreak was linked to Giardia.

EPA identified 59 CSO outfalls in seven states having outfalls within one mile of drinking water intake. Although the Report to Congress did not find any relationship between a CSO discharges from these outfalls and the transport of contaminants to the vicinity of drinking water intake, it says a more complex modeling is needed to do a better study. (USEPA, 2004)

Contaminants from home plumbing systems:

Water can be contaminated by lead in home plumbing systems. Lead contamination can lead to a variety of health problems. According to EPA, "in babies and children, exposure to lead in drinking water above the action level of 0.015 mg/l can result in delays in physical and mental development." While it is rare that lead can contaminate water from the supply, lead can leach to drinking water from corroded pipes in homes that have lead pipes, joints, and solder.

How to obtain fresh tasting and healthy water - The good news is that advancement in water treatment technology has made it possible to remove these water contaminants from our drinking water. Although, technology has not caught up with the pharmaceutical water contamination, most water treatment devices can remove drugs that contain volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). According to the NSF International, although many of the NSF certified water treatment devices are specifically designed to remove pharmaceuticals right now "many of these products can help provide additional protection against wide array of other contaminants." Consumers have a wide selection of water treatment devices to choose from and you don't have to buy bottled water-which can cost you lots of money annually, to obtain healthy water. In fact, studies have shown that some bottled water contains some level of bacteria. This is because tap water and bottled water are not regulated by the same standards and the same agencies.

An NRDC study showed that one third of 103 brands of bottled water tested contained some levels of contamination which includes traces of arsenic and E. coli. (NRDC, 999). Also, home filtration systems can improve the taste or appearance of tap water at a minimal cost. According to an FDA Consumer magazine article "water purified with these products typically costs less than buying bottled water. According to Brita, its high-end faucet filter system provides water for 18 cents a gallon, a considerable saving from $1 or more typically charged for an 8- to 12-ounce bottle of water." (FDA, 2002)

Before you buy a water treatment device Experts recommend that you should find out what types of contaminants are in your water before you decide on which water treatment device to buy. Home water testing kits cost between $9.00 for single parameter to about $99, or more, if you want to test for multiple parameters. The bottom line is the cost of testing your water is less because you don't want to buy or be pressured to buy a certain water filter just because a salesman says it's good.

A typical water filter device is designed to treat one or more contaminants. Most water treatment devices are certified by National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International. NSF (not to be confused with National Science Foundation) is an independent third party organization that has tested and certified thousands of water treatment devices such as home water filters, softeners, and purifiers to confirm treatment claims. Once you have confirmed what's in your water and have researched two or three water filters, you should confirm claims of treatment by these water filter manufacturers, then, make selection for the best water filter or purifier. If the treatment device you find is not certified, call the manufacturer to find out why. Beware that a treatment device may be tested but not necessarily certified by NSF.

What choices do you have?

Again, your choice of a filter device will depend on what your test confirms. For most, using a water filter may not be an issue but for those with compromised immune systems, it may be a necessity. Different options are commercially available. You may purchase a point-of-entry (POE) water treatment device if you want to treat all the water coming to your house. A POE or a whole house water filter is installed at the water main where water enters the house which will require an experience plumber to install. A point-of-use (POU) device is installed at the points where water will be dispensed around the house. These types of devices come as undersink or under counter, countertop, carafe, showerhead, and refrigerator water filters.

A POE (whole house water filter) can be fitted with activated carbon and reverse osmosis filters in that order. Some come as multiple-stage units fitted with more than one series of activated carbon filter to protect the reverse osmosis filter. Multi-Pure ($629), Apec ($385-$469), Aquasana ($799) are some of the few POE filters that are NSF-certified.

Water softeners are ideal for homes with hard water. You may want to check with your local government is water softeners are allowed due to elevated chlorides discharge from softeners. Most wastewater treatment facilities are not designed to remove excess chlorides resulting in excessive violations of their permits. As a result, water softeners are being banned by some local governments. Prices vary for all types of water softeners.

For POU water treatment devices, countertop or tabletop water filters are available in various shapes and models. A tabletop water filter is ideal for home owners who do not want to tamper with plumbing, and for a tenant whose lease does not allow him/her to modify the plumbing system.

Undersink water filters require some plumbing work. This is ideal for water treatment at a single location in the house. Prices will depend on the models and type of filters in the device.

In conclusion, before you choose an appropriate water treatment device, review your CCR report or have your water tested. Consider the long term cost and health benefits and most important of all is to read the fine print. Research NSF-certified water treatment devices.

To learn about choosing the best water filter system for your home, you may visit the author?s website at Water Filters and Water Purifiers Guide

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Monday, July 18, 2011

You Need A Water Ionizer And Your Pool Does Too

A water ionizer is a simple, safe and cost-effective tool for purifying treating water. From swimming pool water, indoor and outdoor water features to fish ponds and hot tubs, water ionizers provide crystal clear, fresh sparkling water without the need to use any harsh chemicals.

A water ionizer is used to enhance or maintain high water quality by the electrolysis of pure copper or copper and silver alloys. Water ionizers are widely deployed in swimming pools, spas, jacuzzis, fish ponds or water features to remove algae and bacteria and leave pure, odorless, crystal-clear water.

Aside from use in water ionizers, copper and silver have been recognized and used for their water purification qualities for centuries. The ancient Egyptians and Romans used copper vessels to store and transport water, and many of NASA's manned missions make use of a water ionizer to sterilize the drinking water on their spacecraft.

Copper's is a powerful algaecide and silver has an equally effective ability to kill bacteria. Because of this, these metals make an excellent choice for building a cost-effective water sanitizer.

Whilst a functioning water ionizer generates soluble copper and silver ions as part of the water chemistry, the levels of copper and silver in the water do not pose any health risks. Water ionizers used to treat drinking water for livestock or pond water for fish have never resulted in any adverse effects on those creatures. Indeed, ionized swimming pool water can be used on the garden or consumed by humans without any side effects whatsoever.

Although a water ionizer will easily produce pure, fresh, clear water without much difficulty, they are not a "set and forget" solution.

For a water ionizer to be effective, there are some important caveats:

First, in common with alternative methods of treating swimming pool water the effectiveness of water ionization will depend on close attention to the water's basic chemistry. The levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), the Total Alkalinity (TA), the temperature and pH of the water all play important roles.

Second, the system should have an effective and well-maintained pumping system. The effectiveness of any water ionizer will be proportional to the effectiveness of its pumping system.

Third, water chemistry must be regularly observed an maintained. Water is a living, breathing thing and must be monitored and adjusted as required. This is not a particularly laborious task. For example, private pools need only be tested weekly.

With many people now reluctant to use complex chemical cocktails to treat their swimming pool water or other water features and with the ever-growing needs to find greener solutions to everyday problems, water ionizers will continue to be the water treatment solution of choice in future years.

If you're considering a water ionizer in your swimming pool, compare it to the other methods of water treatment available to you and ask yourself: If I wouldn't drink this water, why would I let my children swim in it?

Angus Horwood is the creative genius behind Aquavic, an Australian-based company that develops and distributes high-quality water ionizers worldwide. Aquavic is the industry leader in water purification technologies for swimming pools, spas and water features and boasts an impressive track record in solving small and large-scale water purification issues on a domestic and commercial level.

Aquavic's website can be found at

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Best Drinking Water Filters For Your Home

Tap water isn't the purest water; we all know that. If you're tired of the chlorinated taste and want something better, but don't want to pay the price of store bottled water, why not pick up a drinking water filter? You can find many different types on the market today, from very simple systems that do a good basic job to complex systems that deliver bottled-water quality water to your kitchen sink.

Basic activated carbon filters are the cheapest drinking water filter solution you'll find. These filters are sold at your local grocery store for less than $50 for the faucet connection and initial filters, and replacement filters are very inexpensive. The water from these filters is very good; they work by forcing ordinary tap water through layers of activated carbon. The carbon pulls impurities from the water as it passes through, retaining chlorine and bacteria while allowing purified, better-tasting water through. Your water comes out cleaner, and retains most of the healthful minerals like calcium that make drinking water so good for you.

To eliminate serious contaminants such as lead or high chlorine levels, a reverse osmosis drinking water filter is probably your best bet. These complex but ingenious devices can be installed right under your kitchen counter. Working with a filter that allows only pure water to pass, they slowly eliminate toxins from your tap water, holding purified water in a reservoir that you access through a separate tap on your sink. Though these filters work slowly, they can provide plenty of drinking water for your family each day, even filtering salt from ocean water and eliminating most biological contaminants as well. These filtration devices use as much as ten gallons of water for every single gallon of drinking water they provide, so they aren't ideal for every household.

A reverse osmosis drinking water filter gives you very pure water, often better than store-bought water, for about five cents a gallon in most places. While the rejected water is as much as ten gallons for every gallon of pure water created, it's pure enough that it can go into your gray water storage and be used to water your garden, ensuring there is no wasted water.

Ultraviolet drinking water filter systems are often added at the end of reverse osmosis filters and other types of water filters to eliminate living contaminants like bacteria from your water. These work by shining powerful UV light into your water, killing everything in the water before it reaches your faucet. These are particularly good additions to reverse osmosis water filters; biological contaminants are one of the few things that can get through these filters, and a single plasmodium can contaminate your entire reservoir.

Ceramic filters are a type of drinking water filter that use diatomaceous earth, a natural silicon filter commonly used in commercial water treatment. This filter works similarly to an activated carbon filter, capturing your contaminants before they reach your faucet, and the resulting water is at least as good as that from an activated carbon filter.

Use your own needs and budget to determine which type of drinking water filter is the best choice for you. Osmotic filters are perfect for people who spend a lot of money on grocery-store bottled water, while those seeking just a little more filtration in their tap water will do well with ceramic and carbon drinking water filters.

Trent Barrett is a consultant who writes for Home water purifiers You can visit their homepage to learn more about home water purification systems

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Magnetized Water - Miracle of Water

"Words are the vibrations of nature

Therefore beautiful words create beautiful nature.

Ugly words create ugly nature.

This is the root of the universe."

Masaru Emoto

Do you believe water can communicate? Water has emotions and feelings too. From result of the scientific research discover that water has properties similar to all living thing. It's possible to clean dirty water into fresh water. Water can communicate with the environment, and will have the reaction quickly to environment around it. Water can attract biological energy (Bio-Energy) from electromagnetic wave, electric current and another resource. This biological energy will become energy in memory of water and become memory of water. At the present, however, pollution is reducing and destroying all of them.

Importance of water to human lives

Water is very important for human being, and it also is important for all being. Clean water is need for a good health. Basically, we may survive without drinking water for 3-5 day. We can't survive, if we don't drink water, because water is the main component of human bodies. The one of most important reason, which human need good water, is we drink a ton of water per year. This is immense amount that encompasses all aspects of our lives. So water is not only a generic drink for many purposes, but also is a necessity.

Water is main component of human body. 70% of human body is water. When we drink water, we have to sure that we drink sufficient and excellent quality for our good health, and shouldn't drink any water that might be contaminated or hazardous to us. We should drink 8 glasses (240 cc per glass) of water per day to maintain body balance.

The quantity of water that we need everyday to keep the body balance should not be less than 8 glasses (240 cc per glass). This balance refers to amount of water that we consume and eradicate at a regular level.

2500 cc of water, is eradicated from the body, is:

- 1,500 cc per day from urination

- 500 cc per day from perspiration

- 300 cc per day from respiration

- 200 cc per day from excrement.

2500 cc of water can be obtained from:

- 1,500 cc per day from drinking water

- 200 cc per day from internal body chemical reactions and metabolism

- 800 cc per day from food such as vegetables, fruits, meat, fat, etc.

The body will lose more water through perspiration and muscles from exercise. So we should drink more water. The body will start to malfunction when water level drops by 2% (from 70%). The body performance will drop by 30% when water level drops by 5%. If water level drop more than 5% and we don't drink any more water, we will lose our strength, feel dizzy, lose consciousness and finally die. When the body starts to lose more water, it will have thick saliva and feel imbalance. This will respond to hypothalamus that causes we feel thirty, which mean the body needs more water.

Basic structure of Water

Water is liquid formed by two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. In the right condition, it may take the forms of solid (ice) or gas (vapor) too. So the water structure composed of two atoms of hydrogen plus one atom of oxygen can be written in terms of a chemical formula "H2O"

Water, which we drink or see, is a group of water molecules (H2O) gathering by the hydrogen bonds attracted by each other. Each group of water (water cluster) will have a different group of molecules depend on quality of water. The more group of molecules is gathered the less quality it will be. Why? It's because the lesser group have more ability to dissolve the nutrient, which is good for health, and transport oxygen to cell.

The Suitable pH level for water

The pH (Potential Hydrogen or Power of Hydrogen) is the value used to indicate the acidic and alkaline property of water. The acidic property of body is danger for our health. It's also called as "silent killer" by chemists because it will cause destructions to our health and will silently kill us because of the imbalance pH level. Basically, human blood has pH value around 7.4 (7.35-7.45) that is slightly alkaline. If the blood becomes more acidic (pH lower than 7), we might lose consciousness or die. It's also might cause nephrolith, benign prostatic hyperplasia, indigestion, fatigue, etc.

The pH value 8.5 is a suitable for good water due to We create many acids because of our life style. Good water should be more alkaline than blood that has pH value about 7.4 in order to rebalance blood to normal stat.

Thai Food

Magnetic Resonance Water []


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The Real Truth About Bottled Water, Purified Water and Tap Water

There has been substantial information and misinformation about bottled water and its value and beneficial effects. Many people and organizations have joined the argument and the pros and cons have been widely discussed. As a result there has been a significant amount of disinformation distributed and discussed.

In any event, bottled water is a multi billion dollar business and is hugely popular. And, the demand for bottled alternatives keeps increasing as the population at large adopts a healthier life style.

It is best to begin with a technical definition of "Purity". Purity is often represented numerically by "Total Dissolved Solids", or "TDS", which measures the concentration of soluble impurities . TDS is measured in terms of parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg/l). The EPA stipulates that tap water should have no more than 500 ppm of impurities (of all kinds) . Why is this level not 0 ppm?

Types of Water

There are two types consumed in the United States today: Municipal (also know as tap water) and bottled (including spring , filtered and purified water. The conclusion of this article is this: ALL TAP AND MOST BOTTLED WATER IS UNHEALTHY. Purified water is the only one that is truly safe to drink.

Here is the proof:

Tap Water - Tap is water provided by municipalities to a large portion of the population and most people are familiar with those types.

In the Northern Virginia - Washington Region, almost all tap water comes from surface sources like the Potomac and the Occoquan Reservoir, which is fed by the Occoquan River, both of which are polluted. The source supply is processed using basic filtration techniques like sand filtration (filters out large chucks of waste and other organic materials ), flocculation (chemicals added to get smaller particles to coagulate and float so they can be removed) and finally, chlorine is added to kill bacteria and micro-organisms.

In most cases, tap is considered potable (drinkable) according to EPA standards. The use of chlorine is widespread and most people object to the smell and taste of the water when chlorine is present.

Just Exactly What Are EPA Standards?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the regulatory body responsible for setting standards of quality of tap water. The EPA does not ensure purity , only that the water meets standards (meaning pollutants and harmful substances are allowed). Most municipalities issue yearly glowing reports about meeting EPA Standards but these standards are arbitrary, not supported by scientific testing and actually are an easy way for municipalities to produce unhealthy drinking water.

An example of the fallacy of EPA Standards is reflected in recent legislation proposed by Senator Hillary Clinton (D. NY) and others that would force the EPA to revise standards to protect New Yorkers against TCE, a carcinogenic chemical blamed for pollution of Long Island water. Senator Clinton concluded that regarding the EPA: "It is unacceptable that the EPA has failed to protect the public from TCE in the face of stronger scientific evidence that it causes cancer, and growing exposure problems in New York and across the country...As a result of EPA delays, communities across New York continue to be exposed to potentially toxic levels of TCE." The conclusion that one can draw from this legislation is that EPA protection of our drinking water is doubtful at best.

Standards allow certain "minimums" of harmful chemicals and contaminants in tap water. What is the difference between a little poison absorbed in your body continuously or a lot of poison absorbed in a short time? It can be argued that both are detrimental to your health.

Many other questions arise about tap as well. How much poison can the human body take and how did the EPA determine how much contamination is allowable and safe? What test protocols did the EPA use and how was testing conducted? What about people with challenged immune systems?

These questions and many more remain unanswered.

Is Municipal (Tap) Really Safe?

Glowing municipal reports notwithstanding, tap water can be harmful to your health for a number of reasons:

· Chlorine is not particularly good for your body - it has been linked to a variety of cancers - but it does kill some microorganisms that can make you violently ill.

· A recent study by the Associated Press revealed that pharmaceuticals are present in a large number of municipal supplies across the nation. Some municipalities do not test for pharmaceuticals or do not release the results of tests.

· There is a problem with heavy metals in municipal systems. Highly toxic metals like lead (particularly harmful to young children) and copper are found in many municipal systems because of the pipes used in homes and these heavy metals enter the water after it leaves the filtration plant. Washington. D.C. for example has been cited for excessive amounts of lead in the municipal supply.

· A recent outbreak of Salmonella poisoning in Colorado was traced to contamination of the municipal supply.

· Micro-organisms like cryptosporidium has been found in and tested for in many municipal supplies and an outbreak of the disease caused by cryptosporidium in Wisconsin was traced to contaminated municipal supplies.

· Many municipalities include fluoridation and the long term effects of fluoride is a controversial subject. Fluoride is a chemical that hardens teeth and prevents tooth decay but the best application of fluoride is in the dentist's office - not in the public drinking water supply.

The TDS of Washington , DC tap water ranges from 200 ppm to 400+ ppm and the range depends on many factors including the temperature of the river, the flow of the river, runoff, time of year (fertilizing lawns, etc.) and many others. So, the tap supply is constantly changing in quality - a fact that most people never know and municipal suppliers never reveal.

In terms of health, tap water adds little value besides low cost.

Bottled Water

Most bottled water is no safer than tap water and a good deal more expensive. Types of Bottled products are Spring , filtered and purified water with purified being the highest quality.

Spring Water

Spring water is the subject of marketing spin and many popular misconceptions. Many of those misconceptions are promoted through less than accurate advertising pitches.

Many people for example believe that spring water is actually "pure". On the contrary, spring waters contain many of the same impurities found in drilled wells or even tap water.

A fact about spring water is that it is highly affected by ground water pollution from animals and industrial waste runoff.

But is spring water "100% pure" as many spring water companies advertise? The fact is that the "100% pure" refers not to the absence of impurities in the water, but to the source of the water itself. That is, 100% of the water in the bottle came from an underground source (i.e. a spring), rather than from surface water. These cleverly worded phrases may be legally permissible, but many people find them to be misleading and unethical.

And contamination of springs that furnish the water is more common than not. Ground water contamination from animal waste can affect spring water and industrial pollutants like benzene, perchlorinate and MTBE are commonly found in Spring Water. Benzene is a carcinogen by product of oil refining, perchlorinate is used in rocket fuel and is highly toxic even in small amounts and MTBE is used in gasoline to improve performance and leaches into the water supply form abandoned underground fuel tanks.

In 2004 The E.I. DuPont Co, was assessed over $300 million in fines and penalties for the release of Teflon related chemicals in the Ohio River thus causing pollution of nearby springs and wells. The penalty included a requirement for the supply of large amounts of bottled drinking water.

Spring water advertising is all about images - images of the mountains, streams and wildlife. Reality is quite different.

Spring water is usually not bottled at the source but is usually chlorinated and trucked to the bottling plant. At this point it is basically the same as chlorinated tap water and contaminants remain because the filtration process only filters and doesn't purify.

Filtered Water

This is a product that is mass marketed at retail outlets. Typically, the source of the water is municipal tap water. That water is then run through carbon filters to remove the chlorine odor and taste before being bottled.

It's basically tap water without the chlorine. In terms of quality, it's really not much different than many spring waters. It comes from a "natural" source, goes through minimal filtration, and is then bottled and shipped to market.

Purified Water

Purified water represents the fastest growing segment of the bottled water industry mainly because it's purer than other types of waters. There is a definite health trend today toward healthy living and many health conscious consumers buy because they want something that's of a higher quality and purity than other options like tap water.

To meet the legal definition of "purified water", impurities must be removed to meet the U.S. Pharmacopeia definition (99.9% pure) adopted by the Food and Drug Administration.

The water must be tested and the results made available to the public. Any reputable purified bottled supplier will produce testing reports upon request. The most effective process for purification is a steam distillation/oxygenation process that creates pure, good tasting water.

Purified water is often confused with filtered water. While both types are subject to some sort of filtration (as is almost every spring water), purified water is purified through additional purification processes, typically, distillation. The resultant product, "purified" water, is of significantly higher purity than either spring , tap or filtered water.

Consider the Product not the Source

Purified water may originate from either a spring or surface or groundwater source or directly from the tap. The source of the water doesn't matter-it is the purification process that counts. Since, the purification process is designed to remove virtually all types of impurities; the quality of the source water has little or no impact on the quality of the final purified product.

The steam distillation process of purification will consistently produce extremely high purity water, regardless of fluctuations in the source water's quality. This is not true of spring , tap or filtered water. For this reason, purified water is viewed as the standard against which the purity of other waters is judged.

If you're buying water for higher quality and higher purity reasons, then purified water is your best choice. Tap and most bottled water are the products of hype and spinning of the facts. Investigate before you drink.

Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Board of Element H2O. For more information about bottled water, purified drinking water and bottled water delivery [] go to

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The Many Advantages Of Purified Bottled Water

With concerns about contaminants in the public water supply running high, many people are turning to bottled water to alleviate fears. Purified bottled water is one choice that some people are discovering offers some distinct advantages. This type of bottled water is a little different than others.

Why Public Water Is A Concern

The public water supply has long been a source of worry for governmental agencies and consumers alike. Water systems can sometimes fail and when they do the consequences can be dire. Beyond impurities, public water systems are also subject to backflow contamination and other points of breach.

While the public water supply is subject to tight regulations, problems still exist. Examples of system failures abound. Perhaps the most notable study in recent years involves the Associated Press five-month investigation into the public drinking water supply and potential medicinal contamination. The study's results are rather eye opening.

According to the AP, some 41 million Americans are impacted by drinking water that shows some form of pharmaceutical contamination. In some water systems, more than 50 different medications were found in trace amounts in the supply.

While public health officials say the levels of medicine found in the AP's study are well below concern levels, not all experts are convinced. Scientists and physicians are unclear of what the long-term effects of drinking pharmaceutical laden water will prove to be.

Beyond the AP's study, the potential for contamination in the public drinking water supply has long been known. To protect against it, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires suppliers to test for more than 90 different substances. These substances range from highly dangerous e. coli and heavy metals to nitrates and beyond. While the EPA demands strict testing procedures, the fact is some water systems fail and the problems are not detected until the water has been released for general consumption.

Bottled Water Offers An Advantage

Bottled water in and of itself is often seen as a superior choice for drinking over tap water. Bottled water suppliers are subject to many regulations that meet or exceed those set by the EPA although they are enforced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration instead.

The distinct advantages of bottled water versus tap are found in the extra layer of processing that many bottled water products are subjected to. Thanks to FDA guidelines, bottled water suppliers that do not treat their source water are required to state so clearly on their labels.

While it's true that many bottled water companies do get their water from the tap, they take the cleansing and treating processes farther. This means that consumers are generally receiving products that are cleaner and safer than the public supply can afford. Plus, backflow issues do not come into play. Backflow occurs when water pumped out of the public water supply is suddenly sucked back in. Cross-contamination with tanker trucks, swimming pools and other similar depositories can and does happen thanks to this phenomenon.

In addition to the more obvious advantages bottled water provides, there are other benefits that can come along with making this choice. Many bottled water providers, for example, are voluntary members of an organization call the International Bottled Water Association. Members of this group subject themselves to stricter standards than the federal government demands in regard to purity and safety. To retain membership, suppliers must agree to surprise annual inspection of their plants and they must agree to further testing than the law calls for.

In general, bottled water is the superior choice. The purified variety, however, can give consumers a greater peace of mind.

Why Purified Is Different

Purified bottled water undergoes a slightly different treatment process than most other types of bottled water and especially tap water. To earn the title "purified," water must be treated through reverse osmosis, distillation or another similar, advanced means of purification. Purified bottled water might start out from the tap or come directly from a spring or other natural source, but it is processed in such a manner that makes it distinctly different than other choices.

Purified oxygenated bottled water is further treated by the infusion of oxygen molecules after the distillation process removes contaminants. The end result of the purified oxygenated water creation process is a product that is cleaner, safer and quite often better tasting than other waters.

Many experts consider purification through a steam distillation/oxygenation process to be the most effective.

The Advantages Of Purified

Purified bottled water can deliver some advantages that other forms of bottled water and especially tap water cannot. They include:

A greater degree of contamination removal - The extra steps taken to create purified bottled water deliver peace of mind along with this type of product.

Better taste - Many find the chemical free, oxygen infused taste of purified oxygenated bottled water is simply better than tap and other bottled waters.

Less guesswork - The fact is public water can often be a crapshoot. Thanks to the complexity of the delivery systems and the potential of backflow contamination, tap water drinkers are almost never sure what they are getting. While contaminations are few and far between, they can and do happen.

Purified bottled water delivers advantages that other sources of drinking water cannot deliver. When a clean taste, purity and safety are desired, this type of water fits the bill.

Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Board of Element H2O an Ultra Pure bottled water company located in Chantilly, Virginia. For more information about bottled water, private label bottled water [] and bottled water delivery [] go to the Element H2O website.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Importance Of Fluoridated Bottled Drinking Water

Because it is extremely important to stay well hydrated all year long, carrying bottled drinking water with you or having bottled water delivered to your home or office can be of great benefit to you, your family, and your colleagues. You may have noticed that your favorite bottled drinking water also has added fluoride, or that your local community water utility offers fluoridated water. Your dentist may have spoken to you about the benefits of fluoride for preventing cavities as well. Drinking fluoridated water maybe a good way to increase your fluoride intake while you go about your daily routine.

Making Sure You Get Just Enough Fluoride

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), "community water fluoridation is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay (1)." However, not everyone drinks tap water on a regular basis, and not every local community currently provides fluoridated water for its residents. Plus, many people have found that they prefer bottled drinking water to stay properly hydrated because they prefer its taste and purity. Therefore, it maybe important for someone choosing bottled drinking water to be aware of brands that state that they have added fluoride.

There are many fluoridated water products that are available on the market and that can be either bought in a store or delivered to your home or office. According to the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), "there are over 20 companies that produce fluoridated brands of bottled water currently available to consumers today (2)." The IBWA adds that many of these brands of bottled drinking water with added fluoride are easily and readily available at major chain and department stores across the United States (3).

Consumers should always consult with their dentist before changing their fluoride intake in any way, whether by adding bottled drinking water with added fluoride to their diet or by adding fluoride supplements to their dental care routine. And it is important to remember that a good, balanced dental care routine goes beyond fluoride intake and also includes brushing and flossing every day, eating a wide range of healthy foods, and visiting a dentist regularly.

Staying Hydrated at Home and On the Go

Whether you choose to drink fluoridated water from the tap or bottled drinking water with added fluoride, proper hydration is also important in order to stay healthy. There are many ways that you can increase your water intake without interrupting your daily routine.

Carry bottled drinking water in single serve sizes with you wherever you go. If your dentist approves of the practice, add a bottle of fluoridated drinking water on occasion.

When you are at work, make sure that you always have water at your desk. You can either keep a bottle of water with you at all times, or you can make sure that your personal cup or mug is always full of water from the water cooler. Every time you walk by the water cooler, fill up your cup so that you are sure to stay hydrated.

Sign up for water delivery service for your home (which can include fluoridated water). Keep the area near your water cooler stocked with cups and glasses to make it easy to get a drink at any time of day or night.

Instead of having a soda with a meal, you can choose to drink plain water to stay properly hydrated.

Remember that other liquids, including soups and juices, also count toward your daily water intake. Keep track of these as well.

If you do not like the taste of plain bottled drinking water, try adding lime, lemon, or cucumber to your water for a natural burst of flavor. In addition, many companies offer powders or liquids to add other flavors to your water to make it more enjoyable.

Be vigilant about watching for the signs of dehydration, which can be as minor as a feeling of thirst and as significant as muscle spasms, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. As soon as you feel thirsty, make sure you have a drink of water to ensure that you are staying properly hydrated. Also make sure that children and elderly people around you are drinking enough water, as they are more likely to become dehydrated.


Keeping bottled drinking water with you at all times maybe a great way to make sure that you stay properly hydrated and healthy throughout the year. Adding fluoridated water to your diet may keep your teeth healthy as well, but remember to check with your dentist or dental care professional first. If you have approval, you can add bottles of fluoridated water to your water delivery service or choose single-serve bottles of fluoridated water when you are on the go. But always make sure that you are drinking adequate water to fight dehydration every day.




Joseph Silva is the Director of Marketing for DS Waters DS Waters is a bottled water manufacturer and distributor of Alhambra(R), Belmont Springs(R), Crystal Springs(R), Hinckley Springs(R), Kentwood Springs(R), Nursery(R) Water, Sierra Springs(R) and Sparkletts(R), and Roast2Coast(R), a coffee delivery service. For more information on home or office water delivery, visit

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Water And Your Health - Debunking The 12 Common Myths About Water! Part 2 Of 2

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed why water is so important to our health as well as debunked the first two myths of water. In this follow-up article, we focus on the next 10 myths of water we were brought up with.

Myth No 3 - When in doubt, buy bottled water!

Despite the high standard of production of almost everything in many developed countries, it is interesting to note that few developed countries have a standard for bottled water. In the US and Europe, bottled water have been found to be actually tap water and some contains cancer causing agents. Do a search using the keywords, "Cancer bottled water" in Google and you will see amazing reports of bottled water which contains high level of cancer causing agents. So the US and Europe are two of the most developed regions in the world and yet they do not have a standard for bottled water. If you, like me are living in Asia, can you imagine where most of our bottled water is coming from? Countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. Can you imagine what kind of manufacturing standards these countries will have for their water?

Myth No 4 - Drink when you are thirsty!

There is an old saying that goes,"Listen to your body!". Others like "Eat when you are hungry", "Sleep when you are sleepy" seems to hold true, so does "Drink when you are thirsty" applies? Well, the correct answer here is a firm, "No". You see, water is much like oxygen or fuel for your car. You don't breathe only when you need oxygen. You don't top up your car only when it has run out of fuel? Your body needs to be hydrated all the time. The moment it is a little bit short of water, the body goes into a conservation mode. It uses less and the body becomes less efficient. Your blood thickens, your kidney becomes less effective and your whole body functions at less than 100%. Some symptoms of insufficient water do not even manifest themselves as thirst. For example, many times when you have a headache, it is a sign of de-hydration, but you do not feel thirsty. So, Water should be drunk on a regular basis instead only when you feel thirsty!

Myth No 5 - Too much water makes your body retain water and makes you fat!

As mentioned in Myth No 4, your body has a self regulating mechanism. When your body does not have enough water, it goes into conservation mode. Your body actually retains water. So the more water you drink, the less it retains!

Myth No 6 - Chlorinated water is clean water

While chlorine has been known to kill many germs and bacteria, chlorine itself is a poison. In fact, chlorine is a bleaching agent and that is why many swimmers have bleached hair when they swim in a pool daily. Laboratory test have shown strong associations between drinking chlorinated water and many forms of rectal, colon and bladder cancer. Chlorine is also a gas and not easily removed by boiling. In fact, laboratory tests have also shown that water needs to be boiled for at least 40mins before they can be removed.

Myth No 7 - Boiling water is good as it kills bacteria and germs

Boiling Water does kill many forms of Germs and Bacteria. However, boiling chlorinated water and water with impurities and in-organic substances in it can change the chemical composition of these substances causing some of them to become carcinogenic. The human body is also known to absorb a lot of oxygen from the fluids it take in and boiling water actually drives out a good amount of oxygen from the water. While this itself is not harmful as we do breathe in substantial amount of oxygen in our normal process of inhalation, why drive out something that is good? Cool water (room temperature) is also absorbed better and faster by the body than warm water.

Myth No 8 - Ice cold Beer is a great thirst quencher!

Beer contains alcohol and while an ice-cold beer will certainly feel good on a hot day and after some heavy activity, alcohol actually draws fluid out from the blood streams via a process called osmosis.

Myth No 9 - There is no difference between Aerated Water and Still Water other than the fact that it is Aerated!

In Myth No 7, we discussed about boiling water and driving oxygen out of water. Aerated water is even worse than that. Aerated water is actually water filled with Carbon Dioxide. Most of us know that Carbon Dioxide is what our body expels when we exhale. CO2 are considered to be "Toxins" and not usable by the body. Why in the world would we want to put these back into the body?

Myth No 10 - Wine contains anti-oxidant and is good for you

While it is true that wine contains anti-oxidant and anti-oxidant is generally good for you, it does not necessarily mean that Wine is good for you. Like all things, too much of a good thing can be bad. This "excuse" was probably coined up by wine lovers as a justification to drink more! If the Anti-Oxidants in wine is good for you, why not go to the source and eat grapes instead?

Myth No 11 - I filter my water with one of those portable filters, so it must be clean enough!

Not all filters are made equal. In fact, if you have a filter that is portable, it probably is not good enough. The other tell-tale sign that your filter is not good enough is when Water flows through it easily. A good filter has to filter out particles as small as 0.0001 micron and the only filter that can do this in the world is a filter utilizing a process call Reverse Osmosis. The filter pores are so small that water will not flow through without some force pushing it across. Reverse Osmosis uses a pump to "push" the water against a membrane so that it flows through it leaving the impurities behind. The pores are so small that even bacteria and germs will not go through it.

If you cannot find a good RO filter, the other option is to use a water distiller. Nature has its own way of distillation via evaporation and rainfall. However, in today's industrialised world, the air is so polluted that when the rain falls back to earth, it would have absorbed back a good amount of impurities; hence the term "acid rain". Distillation is a slow process but it produces some of the cleanest water around, on par with those of Reverse Osmosis.

Myth No 12 - Alkaline Water is best for the body!

This myth must have been developed from the Alkaline Diet concept which is highly popular. While it is true that our body should be maintained in a slightly alkaline state to be healthy, it does not necessarily mean that all foods which are alkaline are good! Also some acidic food does leave behind an "alkaline ash" that is beneficial for the body eg lemon and lime.

There are also two major parts of our body that must remain acidic for us to be healthy. One is the skin and the other is the stomach. The stomach has acidic digestive juices which help in breaking down food and digestion. Drinking too much water during food intake actually dilutes the digestive juices and lessen the effectiveness of the digestive process. Drinking alkaline water not only dilutes the digestive acides, it neutralises them as well. For this reason, pure water should have a neutral pH of 7 and it was always recommended to drink water at least half and hour before a meal rather than during a meal. Drinking water half an hour before eating has several advantages. It keeps your stomach full so you do not over-eat. It also does not dilute the digestive juices as much as drinking while eating does.

Can you over drink? I've read a few cases of it. Overdosage of water is called Hyponatremia and can cause complications although this is rare. Water can flush out toxins from the body but when you overdo it, it can also flush out useful minerals. However, unless you go on long durations of water fasting, this should not be a major concern.

So there you go, 12 myths of water and hydration that we hear all the time. How much water do we need? The rule of thumb is that an average person needs about eight 8oz glasses of water per day. For every 25 pounds overweight, an extra glass will have to be added. The above recommendation is only for a normal lifestyle. However, if you are active and into sports, you'll need to drink a lot more. Let's drink to our health!

C.H. Seet is the author of the blog, Ezinspirations ( He has a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Business Administration and has a successful career spanning more than 2 decades. C.H. started as a Sales Engineer in Hewlett Packard and then moved on to become Product Marketing Manager in Rockwell Automation. He now heads a German Multi-National Company, located in Singapore and overlooks the whole SE Asian region.

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The Bottled Water Debate - Behind The Scenes!

As the bottled water industry across the world grows to an unbelievable size, producing huge profits for the leaders in the market, whispers echo behind the scenes about the reality of bottled water and the suppression of information in this multi billion dollar world market. What is the truth behind bottled water.

According to the North American company Nestle Waters, bottled water is the fastest growing segment of America's beverage business and is the fifth best-selling beverage in the United States. According to the Australasian Bottled Water Institute, we spend about $385 million a year on bottled water, here in Australia.

It is a strange phenomenon that is seeing millions of consumers worldwide as being willing to spend 240 to over 10,000 times more per gallon for bottled water than for tap water. The rush of consumers for bottled water is understandable as it is easy to see the benefits of water are well-documented.

We use water to aid our systems with performing the digestive process, as well as to regulate body temperature. It is also used to promote healthy and clean skin and has been found to be a natural lubricant for joints. Within our body water also plays a vital role in that it helps move nutrients around the body and also carries waste through our complicated works.

The purported benefits of bottled water are equally well-marketed. A few of the better documented benefits of bottled water are that 1) Bottle water seems to have a better, cleaner, and sometimes crisper taste than that of tap water. 2) Bottled water is very handy as it is a commonly sold product that has already been purified and usually chilled too. 3) Bottled water is a great alternative when traveling in foreign countries or any area where the water is not the same or even a similar quality as that which we are used to.

Is bottled water the great beneficial product it seems to be or is there a more sinister side to this industry? Are we being told everything, or do we need to look more closely at the industry and the products being produced? Read on as we take a look!

To begin with we should take a look at what is being said about the product, by the product and so it is important to study labels a little closer. Water bottled in Europe and labeled as "mineral water" must come from natural springs to earn its "seal of approval."

"Artesian water" is drawn from a well that taps into a confined underground aquifer where the water level stands about the natural water table, elevating the water's purity. "Well water" is water that must be pumped to the surface through a hole drilled for that purpose. Water that earns the label "spring water" may come from a natural spring OR from a hole that is simply adjacent to a natural spring.

Some bottled water flies "under the radar" of regulatory requirements. Water that is labeled "carbonated water," "disinfected water," "filtered water," "seltzer water," "sparkling water," "soda water," or just plain "water" may be exempt from specific water-testing and contamination standards. This however is not commonly publicized knowledge that should be openly shared with the public before they choose the brand of water they will buy.

After some searching through various records and reports, the following information was found about the results of a study performed by the NRDC ( Natural Resource Defense Council ). The study reports that some bottled water was found to be less than standard quality, finding such things as industrial solvents, inorganic contaminants like arsenic as well as bacterial contaminants.

The report goes on to say that the current regulations that govern the water standards of bottled water in the market had "gaping holes". In fact, the NRDC presents evidence to substantiate the claim that "misleading marketing of some bottled water."

This NRDC report also states "At the national level, the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for bottled water safety, but the FDA's rules completely exempt waters that are packaged and sold within the same state, which account for between 60 and 70 percent of all bottled water sold in the United States (roughly one out of five states don't regulate these waters either)."

To conclude the report, the NRDC closes by saying that even though bottled water is covered by the FDA rules, that the quality and purity testing is still far less stringent than those that tap water must pass!

Overall the testing performed by the NRDC produced the following amazing results:

"After testing more than 1,000 bottles of water, NRDC found that 33% were contaminated." This is illustrated in the full report of the NRDC.

Not only have there been findings that the product inside the bottles, supposed to be water from a spring or other such natural source, are not in fact that, there is also the chance that the purified water that the consumer bought, in faith of it being a bona fide product, is nothing more than tap water in a bottle with a fancy label on it. So we see that the contents of these bottles are at least questionable, now lets take a look at the bottles themselves.

Lets assume that your water is indeed a pure water from a spring found somewhere nearby you that has been tested and found to be pure, is it still possible that the water you drink when you buy your bottle is no longer pure? Water held in a plastic bottle at the manufacturer, then at the warehouse, then at the distributor, then at the retailer, and also all the time in transit between these places before you get it, leaves ample time to leech out components from the plastic containers. This is a real concern.

Another risk is when bottling plants reuse bottles as the bottles can become home to a wide variety of bacteria that can cause symptoms including stomach aches, vomiting, and diarrhea.

To avoid the chances of this, it is safer to seek water sold in glass bottles.

Remember that how you store your water is almost as important as the water itself. Use glass containers or, the least reactive, #7 plastic bottles. You can find these bottles at most health food stores. They're also becoming "standard equipment" for workout enthusiasts, so look for them at gyms, sports stores, or online.

One last thing to keep in mind about the bottled water debate, concerns our environment. Bottled water is sold on the strength that is a healthy product that is safer for us than the alternative of tap water. A simple water filter would achieve this effect without the detrimental effects to our environment. What detrimental effects you ask? Consider the fuel that is burnt every year to transport this water from location to location and also to produce the bottles themselves. This leaves a massive carbon footprint on the planet that needs to be addressed.

In conclusion after presenting this information, take a think about exactly what is going on with bottled water and if you decide to continue using bottled water over tap water, then at least consider selecting a brand that you know is not trying to avoid purity testing by using labeling tricks, and also if possible buy locally made products to save our environment too.

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Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap Water?

As more studies come to light that bring the long-term safety of tap water into question, many people find themselves wondering if bottled water is the better choice for consumption, cooking, tooth brushing and more. When the facts about bottled water and tap water are presented, many people make the decision to go bottled. While tap water can and often is technically safe according to government standards, the trace substances found within can be of grave concern.

Concerns About Tap Water

The safety of tap water has long been a major concern for government agencies and the general public, as well. The potential pollutants that can find their way into the public water supply are quite extensive.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires public water suppliers to test for more than 90 different types of contaminants. Despite the rigorous testing procedures that are in place in most jurisdictions, many public water supplies fail - in some cases, multiple times.

The Hillsborough County Water Department, since renamed Water Resource Services, suffered from multiple system failures in the early 2000s. This seemingly well regulated water supplier, serving the Tampa Bay area, suffered from repeated coliform contaminations and even an e. coli scare. This system is not alone in its failure to meet federal regulations despite the use of chloramines and other chemicals that are designed to remove potential hazards from potable water.

While the EPA does require extensive testing and requires each public water supplier to provide full disclosure in the form of an annual report to water users, government regulations do not cover every eventuality. This was made quite evident thanks to a recent Associated Press study that revealed the presence of pharmaceuticals in the public water supply in jurisdictions all over the United States. The investigation turned up evidence that shows some 41 million Americans might be impacted by medications found within their water.

The five-month study focused on water systems throughout the United States and found contamination - including antibiotics, anticonvulsants and more - in some 24 different metro areas. While the medications were found in trace amounts, the long-term impacts of consuming the water are unclear, the AP reported.

The medications themselves are thought to enter into the public water supplies via natural human elimination. Toilet water, which would contain traces of medication, is flushed and sent to wastewater treatment facilities. From here, treated wastewater is released back into the environment. Eventually, that same water ends up back in rivers, reservoirs, lakes and aquifers, which are the sources of public drinking water.

While the public water supply is well regulated and the water does undergo a great deal of treatment, systems are subject to failure. The long-term impacts of such failures remain unclear.

The Bottled Water Difference

Bottled water offers a distinct difference over tap water in a number of cases. While it's true that some bottled waters do come from the public water supply, many factors can make it distinctly unique and even a great deal safer.

According to the International Bottled Water Association, there are a number of things that make bottled water the better choice. Even in regard to the trace medicines found in tap water, Dr. Stephen Edberg of Yale's School of Medicine says that bottled water undergoes processes that are quite effective in protecting against the substances the AP reported finding in tap water.

Some of the measures that can help make bottled water stand out above tap include:

Regulations - Just like tap water, bottled water is regulated by government agencies. While tap is overseen by the EPA, bottled water is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This organization requires that bottled water manufacturers adhere to the FDA's inspection, labeling, safety and quality requirements.

Extra treatment - Most bottled water products undergo further treatments beyond what the public water supply is subjected to. Treatment can include reverse osmosis, filtration, distillation and more, depending on the particular supplier and the type of water in question.

Labeling laws - Companies that do not choose to further treat their bottled water beyond what public water suppliers perform are required by the FDA to clearly say so in their labels.

IBWA standards - Companies that belong to the International Bottled Water Association must adhere to strict standards that go beyond what the federal government requires. Members are subjected to plant inspections once a year that help insure that standards are being met.

While bottled water can start out the same as tap, it often undergoes further treatment that is designed to make it the safer choice.

Purified Is Often The Best

If concerns about contaminants in the public water supply are high, purified bottled water is often one of the best choices to make for drinking and more. This type of bottled water is more heavily treated. The distillation process that is required to create distilled oxygenated water, for example, is designed to remove impurities and create a cleaner, safer source of drinking water.

Answering the question of which is better bottled or tap often comes down to personal choice in regard to taste. If cleaner, safer water is desired, however, the facts about bottled make the answer quite clear. Thanks to the extra treatments many bottled waters are subjected to, this option stands out against the competition.

Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Board of Element H2O an Ultra Pure bottled water company located in Chantilly, Virginia. For more information about bottled water, private label bottled water [] and bottled water delivery [] go to the Element H2O website.

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